
The faculty is a teaching and scientific research unit in the field of science and knowledge. The faculty of sciences and technology is consiedered as one of the largest faculties of Mohammed KHIDER University. It was created in 2009 following executive decree N ° 90/09 for the creation of the University of Biskra published in the Official Journal of the Republic of Algeria No. 12 of 17/02/2009.

The Faculty of Science and Technology in its new name named by Executive Decree No. 90-09 of February 17, 2009 is one of the largest and most important faculties at Mohamed Khider University of Biskra.

Before the last reform of 2009, the faculty experienced significant developments through the following stages:


• National Institute of Architecture (Decree n° 253-84 of 05/08/1984),

• National Institute of Hydraulics (Decree No. 253-84 of 18/08/1984),

• National Institute of Electrotechnics (decree n° 169-86 of 18/08/1986,

• Institute of Civil Engineering, Electronics and Institute of Exact Sciences (Decree No. 295-92 of 07/07/1992).

Since 2009, the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering Sciences has been divided into two: - The Faculty of Sciences and Technology and the Faculty of Exact Sciences (Decree No. 90-09 of 02/17/2009 amending and supplementing the executive decree n° 219-98 of 07/07/1998).
The Faculty of Science and Technology currently consists of 05 departments:


1. Department of Architecture,


2. Department of Electrical Engineering,


3. Department of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering,


4. Department of Mechanical Engineering,


5. Department of Industrial Chemistry,


In addition to the 1st year common core.


The faculty is spread over two sites:


1. At the level of the university pole of Chetma is the administration of the faculty with its various services, the library and the department of Electrical Engineering,
2. At the level of the central pole of the university are the other departments and the educational laboratories.
The Faculty of Science and Technology provides a fairly large variety of training offers in two areas (Science and Technology, Architecture, Urbanism and City Trades) among these with national registration and of the academic or professional type spread over the three levels License, Master and Doctorate as follows:
- 1st Cycle License (duration of training 3 years): There are 14 sectors and 15 specialties,
- 2nd Cycle Master (duration of training 2 years): There are 22 specialties.
- 3rd Cycle Doctorate (duration of training 3 to 5 years):


During the 2021-2022 academic year, the total number of students enrolled in the three LMD cycles reached: 5014 students, distributed as follows:


- 1st License Cycle: 2749 students,
- 2nd Cycle Master: 1401 students.
- 3rd Cycle Doctorate + Doctorate in Sciences: 864 doctoral students


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Address: University of Biskra, BP 145 RP,

07000 Biskra, Algeria

Tél : 033 54 31 60 

Tél: 0 33 54 31 54 

Faculty of Science and Technology (FST)

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