The mechanical engineering department of the Mohamed Khider University of Biskra (DGM) was created in 1996. Forty six (46) multidisciplinary teachers provide training and supervision to the students of the department. There are eight (08) Professors, four (04) Class A Lecturers, fourteen (14) Class B Lectures and twenty (20) Lecturers. Ten pedagogical laboratories and a Technological Hall, constitute the space of the fundamental and applied studies carried out by the department.
Deux laboratoires de recherche, le LGM et le LGEM appuient la formation post graduée assurée par le département. A travers son personnel d’encadrement de rang magistral, deux (02) spécialités de Doctorats LMD sont ouvertes pour permettre aux meilleurs étudiants de Master de poursuivre des études de recherche scientifique:
PhD in Mechanical Engineering
PhD in Energy Engineering